Pastel Cartel
- Baby Blue
This army of pastel colored rings is here to fight negative energy and bad vibes. It's rumored that even just one ring can provide up to 99.9% protection (not sure what the other .1% could be, maybe the same thing that...
- Gold
Secret society. Free masons. New world order 🙊 I'm not saying you're a part of it if you wear this ring (but i'm also not saying that you're not 👀)
The Right Path
If you are on the right path, it will always be uphill. The right path is never the easiest one 🧿 👣
A Little Magic
- Pink
Hocus Pocus (what a good movie). The world is full of magic ✨. Sprinkle a little bit of luck with one of these charming rings 🎨
In The Clouds
Have your head in the clouds, but your feet on the ground. Always be dreaming, but also always be moving. It's the only way 👣 ☁️
Peace And Love
My to-do list for today:
1. Count my blessings
2. Practice kindness
3. Let go of what I can't control
4. Listen to my heart
5. Be productive yet calm
6. Just breathe
Forever Young
- Baby Blue
I WANT TO BE, FOREVERRRR YOUNG. What a good song by Mr. HOV. Stay strapped with good luck, good energy, and protection against those trying to get in the way of your dreams.
New World Order
- Gold
Knowing that you can, that you will and that you shall, is the only force of energy that will instantly turn your ideas, goals, intentions and dreams into reality. You are far more powerful than you think. Remember. No limits...
Endless Possibilities
Imagine what could happen if all your dreams came true? The possibilities are endless ♾️
Trust The Process
Take a deep breath and Trust the Process. Remember why you started 🧿
No Bad Days
Turn bad days into life lessons. You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life 🧿